Thursday, December 14, 2006

A journey to Lawang Sewu, Semarang

This magnificent building had enchanted me to see and feel the ambience
of the old colonial building. Due to the lack of fund, this colonial
building will vanish.


  1. tempat yg keren buat pemotretan...
    ehm.. kudu kesana kayaknya

  2. huwaah... serem eui gedung ini..

  3. hmm...ada yg lebih serem lagi. bangunan di lantai 3 tempat dansa dansi pejabat2 belanda jaman dulu...pas gw naik ke atas ber5 sama temen2....kuping gw ada yg nyentil....padahal gw jalan di paling belakang n kagak ada org dibelakang gw....hahaahahaa.....kata temen gw yg punya indra ke-6, gw diikutin sampe ke lantai bawah sama cewek....cuma kakinya ngambang kagak napak tanah...............hahahahahahaha

  4. gubrak.. booo nyeremin ajya...

  5. gw sama temen2 juga uji nyali ke penjara bawah tanahnya....di basement trus tergenang air setinggi mata kaki....udaranya pengap n gelap...kesana nggak boleh lama2 takut kurang oksigen.....

  6. boo... serem ajyaa.. emang boleh ya? wkt gw kesana sm "pawang"nya gak boleh tuh .. cm dikasi tau aja tempatnya. ^_^

  7. Thanks for sharing the picture... I always love the heritage buildings !!! Pity that our government seem doesn't care of this issues !!! Look at this picture bellow :

    It's a fabulous building, isn't it?

  8. yes, it is jimmy. I always love semarang old town. Fortunately, my father came from semarang. So I always have time to get back every year. Dunno bot this building yet, some says it's gonna be a boutique hotel like tugu hotels in bali and malang or mandarin majapahit surabaya. But it must be scary to stay. Coz sometimes i could feel it, can't see "it" yet...........hahhahaa

  9. My Dad also came from Semarang... He's a mixed race (Javanese-German). I hope that revitalization of Lawang Sewu can be realized soon !!!

  10. itu kan mbak2nya keliatan di kegelapan...
    btw, kok gak pake boot?

  11. du kanst deutsche sprachen neh.....katanya sikh mau dibeli sama accor group hotel.....hopefully yakh..........

  12. Ik kan het Duits spreken niet... Ik spreek slechts Nederlandse !!!
