Thursday, February 14, 2008

P.S : Guess What?

It's Valentine!! Everybody seemed to say it yesterday. At my private email, my yahoo, my friendster, my multiply and my short message wrote the same message "Happy Valentine". But I always said that Valentine is just like another ordinary day. There's something special about it.

Yeah, maybe because you are single and no commitment now. A rude statement from a friend that I received last nite. Well, I admit it that I have no commitment with anybody right now. It's just not a right time being with a right person.

Thursday at 05.30 PM, the traffic was awful last nite. It was raining hard and as usual it made me stuck in the car. But I had some fun with my best friends called "Geng Labil". Yeah, because we all are labilers. Every appointment that we made were unpredictable. Thank GOD, we have been 8 years knowing each other, plus and minus each of us.

The parking lot at Plaza Senayan was crowded. Yeah, it's a special day for teenagers and couples. At small stall, some men bought some nice roses for her partners. Some were asking a wrapping service from the stall. Some were in hurry to be at the venue, bringing a small gift and flowers. So nice....

Meanwhile the fantastic fours of geng labil (minus one) were just window shopping. No of us were busy with valentine stuff last nite. Hahahahaa.....

The main purpose we visited the plaza was a movie, called PS: I Love You. Yeah... it's like a valentine movie last nite. And my guess was right, everybody seemed to watch the movie.

Then we sat in the theatre that 70% was occupied. The story was so simple and cathy, a husband who tried to leave some messages for his beloved wife before he passed away. I like the story telling of the movie and the cinematography - A potray of new york suburban and Ireland view.

But I got some lessons from the movie. First, you must continue your life if your bloody love life were in ruins. Second, you may not complaint alot to your partner. We all are not saints, we're just human with sins and weaknesses, never look back in anger!  Third, thanks for your life, thanks you're still breathing and enjoying the drama of life for each second.

I remembered some words when the husband wrote a letter for his beloved wife,"Thanks for making me A Man with No Regret". We ended the movie without no tears as people told. I must buy the soundtrack and must go to Ireland someday....

P.S: I love YOU.....


  1. nunggu2 siapa yg mo ajak ya? hehe..

  2. i've watched this movie too.. with one of my friend, but... he was with his girlfriend.. and i jus sat next to them..
    4 stars for the movie..

  3. love actually ***** (five stars), PS *** (three stars only)..............kalo laove actually, gw nggak akan bosen nonton lagi dan lagi. Apalagi waktu scene si org britishnya ngelamar si cewek espana, duh jadi pengen udah beli original soundtracknya segala.....pokoknya LA is a must seen movie dekh...

  4. satu lagi kelupaan....pas scene istrinya buka kado ternyata cuma CD eva cassidy bukan kalung permata...duh nyesek bangets dekh....jadi inget kata2 my boss kemarin...."Rief, jangan main2 sama istri elo suatu hari kalau elo udah married. Karena kita tahu lho kalau suami kita berbohong!" Plak.....

  5. huuuuuuuuu....desperado dunk ipan....

  6. koq bikin sedih sikh?? pasti ada story behind it.....hehehehe....

  7. nonton film lucu bikin ketawa

  8. ya iyalah ki.....mask bikin sedih juga.....hahahaha.....
